Breaking Festival
Zurich, Switzerland

7–10th September 2023
  • Theater

    • Location: Grosser Saal, Dynamo

      What time is it?

      7th and 8th September / 8:00pm

      An eclectic evening of dance awaits you on September the 7 and 8 at the Dynamo. 60 minutes full of excitement, emotion and top dance performances! Notice! This event has a limited amount of seats, therefore we recommend the presale.

      Rafael Smadja - G‘old (In-house Production by Breakthrough Festival)
      The piece of Rafael Smadja and the four dancers Olivier Lefrancois, Björn "Buz" Meier, Nacera "Hurricane" Guerra, Iman "Babyroc" Guerra and the drummer and rapper Doron Lev, sheds light on what it is like to grow older in the dance world. Growing old in dance means losing flexibility, strength and speed. The body, often the first to reflect the signs of age, is the dancer's tool. How do dancers deal with this? How do others react to these signs? What do they want to communicate to the audience? In dance, as in many other sports, there are many young talents coming up. Before you know it, the place is taken by someone from the younger generation. New paths have to be taken, new goals set, and the training schedule adjusted. No easy task when your life is dedicated to dance and community. With the dancers, these issues are looked at, discussed and reformulated into movement material.

      Photos by CEDRIC CINTES

      Sabri Colin - Dawn Wall
      "Never assume the abilities of others". Dawn Wall echoes the film of the same name, which tells not so much the story of a mountain climb as that of a man. It is a true feat of self-overcoming that testifies to a genuine passion and strong will.

      The self-conquest and the adrenaline that the dancers feel in the process make them master even the most difficult passages.
      The piece Dawn Wall is about the mental forces that make it possible to overcome one's own physical and cultural limits. Overcoming oneself is a competition with oneself, with one's own limits, which does not produce defeated people and is not at the expense of others. Before the big day, there are years of preparation to consider and concretize their adventure from all angles. But when the time finally comes, some doubts creep in....

      Branca Scheidegger and Tamara Mancini - Idiospect
      Restrictions and rejection are more present in our lives today than ever before, in various forms and based on increasingly discriminatory criteria such as origin, skin color, or sexual orientation, to name a few. Since the Covid 19 pandemic, we experience restrictions in an even more subtle way. We find ourselves restricted in the execution of our daily lives, both on a global scale and in our personal activities. What lessons should we learn from this?
      At the center of the dance floor is a wooden frame that is used as a spatial constraint. Thus, visual perspectives of the frame in its surroundings create new possibilities of relationships between the dancers that change throughout the piece.

      Duration: 60 Min
      Price: 35.- / 25.-

      Ticket Pre-Sale: Thursday, 7.9.2023 / 8pm - 9pm Buy ticket
      Ticket Pre-Sale: Friday, 8.9.2023 / 8pm - 9pm Buy ticket

      We recommend advance booking, seats are limited!

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